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Birth Reflections and Birth Trauma Recovery

A process for anyone who has experienced a difficult birth and wants to release any negative emotions.

Have you experienced distress related to pregnancy or birth?

Do you feel burdened by negative thoughts or anxiety?

Would you like to feel free, joyful and happier?

Image by Andrew Seaman

The Three-Step Rewind Technique for Birth Trauma Recovery is a gentle and effective process that can lift the heavy, unhelpful emotions and anxiety that are attached to any negative memories related to your experiences of pregnancy or birth. This is helpful to mothers, fathers and birth partners alike. The aim is to free you of any negative thoughts and feeling, and help you to experience peace of mind without any fear or anxiety being triggered on a daily basis.


The three steps help to guide you toward your own natural healing state. The process includes the following steps:


Session One:


Step One (90 minutes)

> Hearing your story one last time (should you wish to tell it) without judgement and understanding how what happened then still continues to affect you day to day now.
> Beginning to understand the changes you would like to experience if you were free from those feelings and symptoms. What would life be like if you could choose?
> Practicing relaxation as a resource that can lower arousal levels naturally.


Session Two:


Step Two (60 minutes)

> Using a process called Rewind to gently guide you back through the memory of what happened in a way that breaks the connections (neural pathways) that are triggering the feelings and symptoms. This part involves deep relaxation so you are not re-triggered by the memory.

> Experiencing your goal state and rehearsing new feelings and ways of responding


Session Three:


Step Three (60 minutes)

> Checking back in and rescaling your feelings
> Strengthening boundaries
> Planning for a better birth next time


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Hypnobirthing Antenatal Classes
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​Pregnancy, Pregnant, Birth, Birthday, Baby, Mother, Motherhood, Hypnobirth, Hypnobirthing, Pain relief, Labour, Labour and delivery,  Newborn, Due date, Birth announcement, Gender reveal, Homebirth, Freebirth, Birth support, Birth story


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